Monday, August 07, 2006

Going for new Bench PR

This morning I was late to Brandon's. I had to haul all my gear over there including two x 45's (which I weighed this morning and they are actually 47 pounds).

Bench: 3 x 315, 1 x 345, 1 x 375, 1 x 385, 0 x 400. Here is video
Pullups: 2 x 8 (4 with help)
superset with Military DB Press: 2 x 15 x 40
Military Press: 15 x 115, 12 x 135, 10 x 145, 10 x 155

I wasn't as mentally focused on this attempt. I'm surprised I got 385 with the mental condition I was in. Wayne talked me into just putting on 2.5 pounds more on each side and go for 400, but it didn't go up. My breathing was off, I didn't focus on getting my shoulderblades squeezed together, and the weight was wobbly coming down (which also contributed to my legs not staying steady). Next time I'll attempt 385, 395 instead of messing with 375. This is my fourth time doing 385.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you take a really narrow grip(pinky's on ring?), it might help to take a full width grip if you haven't already tried.

Anonymous said...

I typically do fourth finger on the ring. I've tried third finger before and it feels too wide for me, but I'll experiment again with it. Actually I'd like to go visit David Edgell in Roy after he gets back from the Reno WABDL meet to get his opinion in person on my grip width.