Friday - Monday I played host to friends from Australia. Yesterday I had to leave at lunch to take Cathi to the Emergency Room for a terrible case of mastitis (which she has almost completely recovered from as of this moment), so today I was very much craving the weightroom. I did some much needed Tricep work:
Dips: 12 (bw(240) + 25), 10 (bw + 35), 8 (bw + 45)
Close Grip BP: 8 x 185, 8 x 205, 8 x 225
Nosebreakers: 8 x 95, 8 x 105, 8 x 95
DB Kickbacks: 6 x 30, 8 x 25, 10 x 20
French Press: 3 x 8 x 115
The DB Kickbacks were tough and I found most of the work in the upper triceps. While thats good, I'm looking for something that really works the lower triceps especially just above the elbow. I think all the other exercises hit the lower tris pretty good. In between exercises I also did 50 crunches and 10 side bends (each side) totalling 200 crunches and 40 sb each.
I didn't feel psyched about this workout, but content. Hopefully I'll get some great work the rest of this week.
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