Thursday, October 09, 2008

Joining the ranks of Brady, Duane and Bryan

Got off work early since I started really early. Was home at 4:30. Called Duane to see if he could ride but he wasn't there, plus it dawned on me that he is coaching a winning football team, so his season isn't over yet. So I went out to antelope island by myself and bought one of those year passes. Now I'm hardcore like Brady Allred, Duane Ralphs and Teri and Bryan Child.

So I biked out to Garr ranch and back. Here's the stats:

Distance: 46.8 miles
Time: 2:25
Avg Speed: 19.37 mph

Was cramping up every once in a while in my calf muscles. There were also several encounters with Buffalo really close to the road. I wonder if they've ever charged a biker before. A few that I encountered were a little spooked of me and ran away from the road as I got nearer, while others held their ground and I was worried they were going to go on the offensive on me, but I was fine.

I also worried about getting locked in. I was a good hour before sunset when I got out of there, but I thought of Brady's situation where the gate was locked. What do you do? You can't just throw your bike over the top and keep going. I need to ask Brady some details about the park.

It was a good ride. Looking forward to many more rides out there now that I've got a pass and have to use it up the best I can. Don't want the expense of $40 to not be well used.

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