Monday, November 13, 2006


Deadlifts: 8 x 225, 6 x 255, 4 x 275, 2 x 295, 1 x 315
Cable Good Mornings: 4 x 8 x stack (@ 200)
Seated Close Grip Cable Pulls: 4 x 8 x stack
SLDL: 4 x 8 x 225
100 crunches (Slow and deliberate)

Wanted to give up half way through the SLDL's but pushed through them. Kept to the prescribed routine and felt good. My right wrist was really sore this morning and I was extremely tired at 5 am so I slept past the alarm (skipping Brandon's chest workout) and slept in an extra hour planning on lifting today at lunch. I need to make deadlift the priority for Monday's that way I am guaranteed to get them every week. Will move Chest to Tuesday or Wednesday and do another Deadlift routine on Thursday or Friday.

The weekend's Table Tennis Tournament was a little disappointing. Didn't do as well as I had hoped. One thing I like better about powerlifting is I feel that my only opponent is myself, whereas with table tennis its all about beating the other guy.

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