Thursday, September 21, 2006

Lifting tired

This morning I got up and started lifting at 5:30 AM at Brandon's. We did Shoulders:

Military Press: 12 x 95, 12 x 125, 10 x 155, 6 x 175
DB Front Raises: 4 x 12 x 25
Shrugs: 8 x 135, 3 x 8 x 185
DB Lateral Raises: 4 x 8 x 40
DB Military Presses: 4 x 12 x 40

Probably went too easy today. Not really pushing it much, but did work up a sweat. Played ping pong for an hour today and it was a good day, like Monday. Yesterday, Bala had his way with me. Today though I was the king. Sent in my Tournament entry form for me and Austin to the National Tournament in Las Vegas on December 14 and 15th. It's going to be fun and I'm hoping to improve my skills between now and then.

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