Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Standing EZ Bar Curls: 10 x 95, 10 x 105, 10 x 115, 6 x 125
Preacher Curls: 8 x 95, 8 x 105, 8 x 115, 10 x 75
Lying EZ Bar Tricep Extensions: 10 x 95, 10 x 105, 10 x 115, 8 x 125
Lying DB Tricep Extnesions: 2 x 10 x 40
Tate Presses: 2 x 8 x 40
Alternating DB Curls: 4 x 10 x 40

Felt good about this morning's workout. Sweat a bunch and at the end of several sets was pushing it to get the last rep. Not difficult to get up this morning. Hoping that my body gets used to this amount of sleep. Traffic coming in was ugly again. Starting at 5:30 from now on. Hopefully leaving at 6:45 instead of 7:00 for work makes a difference.

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