Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Last heavy bench day til the games

Today I got Brendon and Luke to spot on some heavy bench work:

1 x 315 (slow with no shirt)
Put the shirt on....
1 x 385 (slight pause again at the half way point, but pushed past it)
1 x 395 (Stuck at half way point, struggled and weight came down (Thanks spotters))
1 x 405 (This one coming down was nice until I got to the half way point then it came down too fast. Stopped on the chest and I couldn't get it even 1/4 way up, so the spotters helped me get it up the whole way nice and slow)

DB Press: 20 x 65, 2 x 12 x 65 speed press
Decline DB Flys: 12 x 40, 2 x 12 x 45

I knew that the 405 I would need help on, but I was disappointed that I couldn't get the 395 up. I'm thinking that I'll start at 385 at the meet, and on the third attempt hopefully get 405.

This is my last time doing big weights before the meet (June 24th). I'll be doing some speed presses at 65% the next couple weeks.


Anonymous said...

So you're doing a meet? That's great!
I wouldn't let today's workout affect your mindset, though...
You have you planned attempts... get some rest and you should be ready to go.

Anonymous said...

Thanks John.