Saturday, January 10, 2009

Two hours with Coach Troy (and Cathi)

After a decent swim this morning I was determined to get a good bike ride in. I put on the Spinervals 100 Disk 2 and did two hours of tough sets. Still no computer yet. Dale had to special order one and should be in on Mon/Tue.

Sweat a ton. Cathi came down and watched the DVD and encouraged me while coach Troy said, "Cmon! Cmon!". One of the older guys in the training looks just like my Dad. Seriously. I'd say, "Cmon Dad, don't give up, keep it going!" Cathi would laugh cause he not only looks like my Dad, but makes many of the same facial expressions and smile, etc. I'll take the DVD over so my Dad can see himself biking like a madman!

Great workout today. Probably burned close to 3000 Calories. Need to get back under 200!

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