Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mt. Harrison Ride 2010

Woke up at 6:30 and started to prep for this year's Mt Harrison Ride. Left at 7:10am. Made a quick stop at the convenience store about .25 miles from the start. Got some batteries. Good thing cause my GPS and MP3 player both went out and I had to load the new batteries on the ride. Would have been stuck without data, or tunes without it.

I felt great on this ride and didn't run out of breath to the point where I had to stop. I didn't stop once on this ride due to taking a break. I had my camelback filled with ice water, and had 3 buzz bites in my pack. I kept on spinning the whole time except for the 4 technical stops I had to make to change batteries, walk over snow that was impassable on a bike, go around a locked gate. I felt wonderful! I was able to reach the summit in 2:20.

Was reaching speeds of 47 miles per hour on the way down. It was a rush! Two hours to go up and less than 30 minutes to come down. Wow. There was alot more snow this year. I had to walk over alot more snow for longer stretches. The lookout was a little ominous with the rain clouds strong wind and lightning in the distance. Didn't feel comfortable up there hanging out.

I must say this ride is my favorite of the year!
Video below:
From Biking

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