Thursday, July 30, 2009

Climbing Aura

I'm also either romantic, superstitious, silly, or a fool. Whenever I have a big swimming event coming up, the night before I'll eat a fish. Well this Saturday is the Bairgutsman race up Baer Canyon. I'm a little nervous because it's very steep. As you can see from this image, there are parts where its a 20% grade up a rocky trail.

So I thought of an animal that's a great rock/mountain climber. Mountain goats! But no restaurant serves up goats. So I ordered a Goat Cheese salad from Redrock. Man was it good! Goat cheese rocks. Hopefully the essence of goat enters my body and remains for a few days so I can climb like an expert up that trail! If only I had hoofed feet!

1 comment:

Fine Life Folk said...

I think you got that superstition from the Mayan empire, at least subconsciously LOL. I read somewhere that they would clad costumes that simulate animal images to show enemies of such the animal clothing's strength.