Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 Mile hike on Wheeler Creek

This afternoon I hiked 10 miles with Steve Ross and the scouts. Had a scary hour when five of the boys decided to take off ahead and they were so far ahead we were convinced they took a fork that took them somewhere else.

A biker was coming down and we asked her that if she caught up with five boys to tell them to STOP! Until we get there. So annoying! We finally did catch up to them and reviewed safety while hiking in groups.

Had fun and I took Max (our St. Bernard) who was slobbering all over and panting like crazy, but he did well.


Drew said...

Hey Gord, your blog is awesome, I was just checkin' it out. I'm totally gonna do some of the stuff you talked about.

You should post more! It's been a while. Come check out my blog too! And give me hot tips:



Jocelyn said...

Nice stuff here. Enjoyed reading the post.