Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Medicine Ball workout video

One set of medicine ball work = 15 minutes  Here's what I end up doing.  Rest about 30 seconds, get a drink and do it all over again, a few times:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Perfect Chest workout for just getting back into it

I haven't done any consistent weight training in a very long time.   After last week's race and not hitting my goal time I decided I needed to do some things outside the water to increase my strength.  So today's workout went like this:

Bench Press:
12 x 135, 8 x 155, 8 x 165, 8 x 155, 12 x 135
DB Flys:
5 x 12 x 35

Then I moved to the cardio room and got my 12 pound medicine ball and did 30 minutes of laying on my back and lifting the ball in certain directions that really worked my shoulder joints and my chest.  I'll have to video the sets I do.  To go through all the different movements takes about 6 minutes and I did 5 sets of those.  It was awesome!  My entire upper body was shaking and quivering, but the ball is so light it wasn't overly strenuous, but I was definitely getting all those muscle fibers to fire to hold the ball steady.  I had such a fun time with it.  I left the workout with that exercise high which I haven't felt in a very long time.  I'm excited to get back down there and do it again!