Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Dips: 12 x bw, 2 x 8 x bw + 45
Preacher Curls: 3 x 12 x 95
French Press: 3 x 8 x 95
One Handed Cable Curls: 12 x 20, 10 x 30, 8 x 40
Tate Press: 3 x 8 x 40

I think I need to take two Glucosamine tabs per night rather than one. The tendon that connects my Triceps to the back of my elbow gets really tender when doing heavy Tricep work. Need to strengthen that joint. Felt OK about this workout. Still taking my time with the sore ankle.

I skipped my Dr. Appointment today as I'm 100% sure it isn't broken. I can put weight on it without support and can walk on it with a limp. I put on three sock on the right side today to give extra support until I get my ankle brace which I got a couple days ago per Ryan Gubler's recommendation. I'm feeling very confident that I should be close to 100% (especially with the ankle brace) by this time next week. I'm getting better everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very positive twist of turns! That probably means you are shooting for that table tennis tournament? Which reminds we, if you ever get around to Toffe's Gym, you can beat me soundly at a game or two. My brother used to play with some success, so we actually have a playing area and a decent table there. Heal up!