Saturday, November 01, 2008


This afternoon I headed to 6200 S State in Salt Lake on my Bike. We were going to meet Cathi's family at "The Cheesecake Factory" at Fashion Place Mall.

I made it 400 N and 200 West when I hit something and instantly got a flat in my back tire. I stopped and a construction staple was in my tire. I pulled it out and replaced the tube. Then continued on. When I got to 100 S and 200 W I noticed I had a flat again. I also noticed that my sunglasses case had spilled out of my saddlebag. I felt in there and my wallet was gone! It was in there when I replaced the flat, and when I took off I didn't zip it back up! What a bonehead. Just then a black truck came by and the guy yelled out, "You dropped your wallet back there!"

He turned around and went back to get it while I ran along side with my bike since it was flat. Back at North Temple it was in the road. I gave him $20 (There was over $70 in the wallet along with all my cards and ID). He noticed I had a flat and asked if I needed a ride somewhere. I figured if I hurried over to Tomax I could call Cathi and she could pick me up on the way down. I caught her and then went downstairs and did some rowing for 5 minutes, several sets of lifting and felt like I got a full workout considering my biking was cut short.

The headwind coming in was constant at around 20 mph. It was terrible.

Distance: 30.1 miles
Time: 1:47
Avg Speed: 16.89 mph

The backup tube shouldn't be one that already has a hole in it. Also, zip up your saddle bag, you bonehead!

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